Did you know that October is ADHD Awareness Month?
ADHD, one of the most prevalent and misunderstood conditions in the world, may have affected you or someone you love. If so, then ADHD has touched your life.
ADHD Awareness Month is an international movement dedicated to creating greater awareness and understanding regarding Attention Deficit Disorder. The goal of the ADHD Awareness Coalition is to help men and women learn the facts about this disorder and to dispel myths that keep people affected by ADHD from seeking appropriate treatment. The theme for 2016 is “Better to Know!”
ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder affecting millions of Americans, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. We know that 9% of children age 3-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD, as well as 4.5% of all adults. ADHD can cause significant impairment at work, in school, and throughout a person’s daily life. Not only are individuals with ADHD affected, but also their friends and families. ADHD is recognized widely by organizations such as the National Institute of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Visit the ADHD Awareness Month’s website to learn more about this real and serious health condition. Discover excellent resources that will connect you to the ADHD community and a wealth of information to support you in managing ADHD. It really is “Better to Know”!
You’ll find additional free and helpful resources on my website, ADDJoyofLife.com.