ADHD Awareness Month is observed throughout the world in the month of October. ADHD stands for, “Attention- Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder." During this time organizations and individuals participate in worldwide events to promote ADHD awareness and support, as well as to educate the public about ADHD.

The theme of ADHD Awareness month this year is, “Awareness is the Key!” The orange ribbon for this month represents hope, support and solidarity. The symbol is a reminder that understanding and compassion are essential in addressing the challenges associated with ADHD.

It is vastly important to provide reliable information based on the evidence of science and peer reviewed research, as the general public is poorly educated about ADHD. ADHD is a highly treatable disorder that is often dismissed as fabricated, leading it to be undiagnosed and untreated in a vast majority of people. ADHD stigma prevents diagnosis and treatment. Like so many aspects of science, awareness lags far behind the research. The evidence that ADHD is real, genetically-related, and neurologically based confirms that ADHD is not benign!
"Denying that ADHD is real is like declaring that the world is flat!"
-Sarah Wright, ADHD Coach
Over 11% of children ages 3-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD as well as 4.5% of all adults. Researcher Russel Barkley estimates that up to 90% of all adults alone go undiagnosed!
The core symptoms include difficulties with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. According to Thomas Brown, MD, ADHD is a cognitive disorder as well as a developmental impairment of executive functions, that is higher brain functions such as decision- making, organizing, planning, estimating time etc.

Individuals with ADHD may have trouble completing and organizing tasks, lose important belongings, are often forgetful and distracted, restless and have difficulty paying attention to detail. This can result in problems at school, on the job and at home!

ADHD rarely exists in isolation. That is, it is important to get the diagnosis as well as screen for other conditions that can frequently be present as well, such as anxiety, depression or learning challenges.
Standard treatments of ADHD include medication, education, coaching and psychological counseling. As well as daily living skills, it is important to recognize the psychological impact of living with ADHD.
Resources for People with ADHD
If you or a loved one has ADHD, fear not! There are plenty of resources available online offering a fount of knowledge and support.
ADHDAwarenessMonth.org is a one-stop-shop for information and resources that help people thrive with ADHD. Here you can get support in finding a provider and take an ADHD self- screener report, not to self-diagnose, but to give you a bit of confidence in going to a provider.
The following organizations advocate for ADHD. You can find a directory of providers by state on their websites. In addition, by joining, you can connect to the ADHD community and receive support, trainings, resources and more.
ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization) www.adhdcoaches.org
CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD Organization) www.chadd.org
ADDA (Adults with ADHD Organization) www.adda.org
ADDitudemag.org is a free quarterly publication delivered right to your inbox that will educate you in various aspects of ADHD. Sign up online for a free magazine.
With the right support people with ADHD can be among the most successful! Reach out for support today! Click here to schedule your complementary ADHD coaching session.