Those who embrace the ADHD diagnosis have a good life.
Where does your ADHD show up and what do you do about it? Gaining skills, tools and strategies in managing ADHD is empowering! ADHD is no longer in the driver’s seat, you are!
What if the things I believe about myself aren't true?
That I'm really smart, but don't know that I have a learning disability that gets in the way. Now that I have strategies to deal with my dyslexia for example, I am as successful as the next person.
“The crux of the ADHD journey has as much to do with letting go of the false beliefs you have about yourself as it does with adding tools and strategies”
-Michelle Frank and Sari Solden
ADHD gets smaller and life gets bigger.
Once we reframe our experience, we want more out of life because we feel better about ourselves and expect more. Having learned more about ADHD and received good treatment, I no longer see myself as flawed. ADHD and all that comes with it get smaller and life gets bigger!
Is ADHD a Gift?
Though aspects of ADHD can serve us well, such as being able to hyperfocus or being a divergent thinker, ADHD is an impairing disorder when left untreated.
If there is a gift, it is that we are forced to learn how we roll in order to be successful. It is important that we understand our unique brain wiring. What works for a friend who is neurotypical may not work well for us. An ADHD coach can support you in noticing where your ADHD shows up and troubleshoot strategies for daily living that make a difference.
Do what you do best.
Psychiatrist Ned Hallowell states, “Do what you do best and get help for the rest.” Also important, he says is to “Fit the World to You”, as opposed to the other way around.
Diagnosis is the gateway to a better life.
Take heart. Step forward and take a risk. Acknowledging your ADHD always yields a good result. Embracing the diagnosis and continuing with good treatment will free you up to lead the life that you were meant to live. ADHD will get smaller and your life will get bigger!
For support in daily life with ADHD, click here!
“It is never to late to be who you were meant to be”
-George Elliot
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”
-E.E. Cummings