As a person with ADHD, do you know what your strengths are? If so, how much time each day do you spend using and developing those strengths?
Most of us have heard that we should develop our weaknesses in order to get stronger. The authors of the book, Now Discover Your Strengths, disagree. Authors Donald Clifton and Marcus Buckingham claim that most of us have little sense of our talents, much less the ability to build our lives around them. As a result, we become experts in our weaknesses while our strengths go untapped.
The Gallup organization studied the psychological profiles of more than 2 million people over the course of 25 years. In doing so, they discovered 34 signature talents—or strengths—among participants. This study led them to create an online assessment that could measure an individual’s “talent DNA.” The CliftonStrengths assessment (formerly StrengthsFinder), was designed to help people identify their unique abilities, so they could do more of what they naturally do best.
People who have the opportunity to use their strengths are three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life, according to Gallup.
If knowing one’s strengths could benefit anyone, how much more might it benefit the adult or child with ADHD? As a life coach, I often ask people what their strengths are. Most answer by laying out all of their weaknesses!
Many people with ADHD have heard negative messages all of their lives. These critical words often become a defining factor in one’s life, harming self-image. Sometimes, the sheer struggle of living with ADHD on a daily basis can make a person feel “less than.”
So, let me encourage you to consider your strengths. What are they? And what would life look like, if you were able to fully use them?
Stop cursing your weaknesses and start enjoying your strengths. Find support from an encouraging coach. Set up a free consultation today.